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Reading List by Jeff Alger

FOCUS: Critical Conversations with Art

Published onSep 23, 2020
Reading List by Jeff Alger

The University Library develops supplemental resource lists to accompany reACT and now FOCUS exhibitions at the Christian Petersen Art Museum on campus.   As a literal neighbor to the CPAM, the University Library supports further thought about the critical topics these shows address.   For the first FOCUS exhibition, Border Crossing, University Librarian, Jeff Alger reflected on Jiménez’ lithograph and sculpture on campus. Alger found the reflection interesting and that as he researched the artist, the additional context around Jiménez and immigration deepened his understanding of the conflict, turmoil and determination depicted. Alger approached his resource list by focusing on biographical information on Jiménez, art and immigration, and resources to deepen how we approach looking at art in general. 

Iowa State University Library offers library cards to Iowa residents 18 and over to check out items at it’s three libraries. For more information, contact the Parks Library Main Desk by phone at 515-294-3961, or via email at [email protected], or visit Parks Library any time during our Main Desk hours.  


Luis Jiménez

Anaya, R. (1994). Luis Jiménez: view from La Frontera [Excerpt from Book]. Man on fire: Albuquerque Museum of Art; catalog excerpt, 23, 86-92.

Baker Sandback, A. (1984). Signs: a conversation with Luis Jiminez [Article]. Artforum International, 23, 84-87.

Cembalest, R. (1992). Public sculpture: race, sex, and politics [Article]. art that offends, 91, 30.

Eklund, L., & Medrano, J. (2000). Community and contemporary Chicano art: four El Paso artists [Article]. Art Education, 53(4), 25-32.

Grigsby, E., Jr., Colchado, J., & De Novais, C. (1991). Unfolding a hidden rainbow of cultures [Article]. Arts & Activities, 109, 26-41.

Manthorne, K. (2006). Luis Jimenez's “Vaquero” and the Trojan Horse [Article]. American Art, 20(2), 28-31.

Mitchell, C. D. (1999). A baroque populism [Article]. Working class heroes, images from popular culture at the Blaffer Gallery, Houston, 87(3), 100-105.

Ramos, E. C. (2012). The Latino Presence in American Art [Article]. American Art, 26(2), 7-13.

Schilz, C. (2006). Mustangs, Wigwams, and Odes to Chiefs: Artists Share Their Worlds [Article]. Art Education, 59(1), 25-32.

Sorell, V. A. (1994). Citings from a brave new world [Exhibit]. Art of the other Mexico: Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum, Chicago; traveling exhibit, 21, 28-32.

Whitney, K. (1997). Man on fire [Article]. sculpture of Luis Jimenez, 16, 20-25.

Art & Immigration

Crossing cultures : conflict, migration and convergence : the proceedings of the 32nd International Congress of the History of Art / edited by Jaynie Anderson. 2008 N72 G55 C76x 2009 (Design Reading Room)

Immigration in the visual art of Nicario Jiménez Quispe / Carol Damian, Michael J. LaRosa, and Steve Stein ; foreword by Annette Fromm. 2019
NK918 >J56 D36 2019  Parks

Migrant's Time Rethinking Art History and Diaspora / edited by Saloni Mathur. 2011 Online

Interpreting immigration at museums and historic sites / edited by Dina A. Bailey 2018 AM7 I57 2018  Parks

Women and Migration: Responses in Art and History. Willis, Deborah ; Toscano, Ellyn ; Brooks Nelson, Kalia 2019  Online

Ofrenda : Liliana Wilson's art of dissidence and dreams / Norma E. Cantú, editor ; foreword by Ricardo Romo. 2015  ND237 W737 O39 2015 Parks (also online)

Superflex : we are all in the same boat / editors: Jacob Fabricius and Superflex. 2019 N7923 .S83 A4 2019x Parks

Essays in migratory aesthetics : cultural practices between migration and art-making / editors, Sam Durrant, Catherine M. Lord. 2007
BH301 C92 E87x 2007 Parks and online

ReACT & FOCUS Resources

The Female Body in the Looking-Glass: Contemporary Art, Aesthetics and Genderland. Sliwinska, Basia, 2016 (Online)

Looking at art / chief contributing editor, David Piper ; contributors, Christopher Cornford, Peter Owen, 1984 Parks/Design Reading Room ND1143 .L66 1984

Thirteen ways of looking at Latino art / Ilan Stavans and Jorge J. E. Gracia. 2014 Parks N6502.5 S73 2014

To see is to think : looking at American art / Joshua C. Taylor. 1975
Parks N6505 .T38

Looking at art from the inside out : the psychoiconographic approach to modern art / Mary Mathews Gedo. 1994 Parks ND1158 .P74 G43 1994

Thinking about art : a thematic guide to art history / Penny Huntsman. 2016
Parks N5303 H86 2016

How to see : looking, talking, and thinking about art / David Salle. 2016
Parks N6490 .S178 2016

(Re)thinking "art": a guide for beginners / Steve Shipps. 2008
Parks N7425 .S53 2008

Where's B**ksy? / Xavier Tapies 2016 Parks N6797 >b393 T37x 2016

Making Race: Modernism and “Racial Art" in America, Jacqueline Francis 2012

Luis Jimenez: Working-Class Heroes: Images from the Popular Culture, Michael Brenson. 1995

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